continued, "With all these new clothes, it would be a shame not to get some wear out of them."

"You want me to dress like this when we get back home?"

"I'd miss my girl-friend," she smiled, then added just as a joke, "Besides, if you don't, you won't have anything to wear!"

My cheeks reddened. It was true. I hadn't bought a single boy item. I was suddenly mortified.

"I have to stop this when we get home," I cried. "I think I'm losing control of my masculinity."

"Oh, Jackie dear. . .relax. You don't know how often I've day-dreamed about having you stay like this. I love you this way..." Margaret was looking at me romantically. There was no teasing here and I could see she was serious.

"My new things are beautiful. . .I'd hate to throw them away," I finally confessed, then asked, "You really like me prancing around in dresses and all sissified up?"

"Of course silly. Can't you tell?" Margaret exclaimed as she tearfully hugged me; being careful not to get my lipstick on her blouse.

As I thought about "getting the wear out" of all my sets of ultra-feminine lingerie and short skirts, Margaret opened her purse and handed me a cardboard packet of pills similar to her birth control pills only Îarger.

Seeing her grin, I asked in a near whisper, “Are these are for me?"

"They're all yours, my darling." replied Margaret. I looked at her with a puzzled expression. "They're female hormones. Susan sent them. She thinks they will make this summer a bit easier on you."

I was still a man underneath all my feminine manners and clothes----Margaret knew I continually endured unsatisfied male urges when I worked too closely with women trying on clothes. Looking around at the breasts, hips and smooth calves thrust into nylon and lace made me feel very un-ladylike.

There seemed to be no way out of my dilemma.


Margaret and I had sex almost every night but wearing my own panties, slips, skirts and dresses only made my desires stronger!

"But I love your body. . .as a man."

"I know," she said. "Seriously, they won't do much except keep you calm. . .and if you like the feeling," she joked, "I thought you would like to start growing breasts of your own, rather than have to 'borrow' mine. Try them for a while?"

I hesitated...what should I say? I shouldn't want to be feminized. . .I should be insulted, but I wasn't. Margaret had a hopeful look in her eyes. I couldn't lie. "You want me to grow breasts?" I asked.

"Why not? Are you afraid? Look at mine!” Margaret pulled down her bra and showed me her full round globular bosom. My fingers went involuntary to fondle them. They were so soft and warm.

I gasped, "To have real breasts! That would certainly be something!"

"Growing breasts would take a long time but I'm sure you'd love them." she softly added.

I asked, "When do I start taking them?" "Now of course, silly!" Margaret exclaimed. "I'll get you a glass of water."

I took the little purple pill and without ceremony, popped it into my mouth.

"Now you're hooked!" said the smiling Margaret, "Here, open this other present from me." She handed me another gaily wrapped package.

In it were several new brassieres in pastel colors and a six month supply of pills. I noticed the cups were much bigger than I was used to. I squirmed at her gift's intention. . .I couldn't imagine my own creamy bulbs of flesh pressed tightly against the cups. I couldn't happen!

She went on to say, she wanted me to "dress up" at home as often as I wanted. She smiled, "You can wear pants to school but be Jackie the rest of the time."

A month ago I would have rejected the idea outright. Now I was confused and admitted I'd miss being her girlfriend too. "Oh, honey!" I softly moaned. "Isn't this going too far?"